hello I aim a owner of a LG stylo 2. everything is working fine the sound works too. but the screen is black. when I boot it up the lg logo does not appear. the lines start to show and I cant see anything ider then that do I need a new lcd screen or the whole screen new? ill put a link of a phone the demonstrate how mine is. thanks I hope you can help. p.s my screen is not cracked
[https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=phone+black+screen+lines&view=detailv2&&id=972A1283AC577D94A7B7B6837DF6D99756DD4623&selectedIndex=30&ccid=B2a9%2bY3h&simid=608047832896307487&thid=OIP.M0766bdf98de1a079502af79294f58454o0&ajaxhist=0|this is a picture of an example of my phone]