Im from Chile and bought a Dell XPS1530 with 8400GS as the video chip, it worked for like... 1 month until it didnt show image over the buil-in LCD of the Laptop.
Here is what i did, just to know about some problems with the microfracture of the soldering material, but looks like this isnt the case. The Laptop works great if i attach an External Monitor over the VGA port.
Did _shot_ de videochip with a heatgun and press it against the motherboard, but it still have the same issue, no video on the LCD but it does over the VGA port.
A week after that a friend of mine borrowed his XPS 1530 to see if the faulty part was the LCD, but it wasnt, my LCD panel [cable and everything] worked fine on his XPS, and his LCD panel [which is working] didnt show anything attached to my XPS.
No idea what to do next and no, i dont have warranty anymore, if someone have a clue of how to fix this would made my day, week and probably year.
Thanks in advance from Chile.
Im from Chile and bought a Dell XPS1530 with 8400GS as the video chip, it worked for like... 1 month until it didnt show image over the buil-in LCD of the Laptop.
Here is what i did, just to know about some problems with the microfracture of the soldering material, but looks like this isnt the case. The Laptop works great if i attach an External Monitor over the VGA port.
Did _shot_ de videochip with a heatgun and press it against the motherboard, but it still have the same issue, no video on the LCD but it does over the VGA port.
A week after that a friend of mine borrowed his XPS 1530 to see if the faulty part was the LCD, but it wasnt, my LCD panel [cable and everything] worked fine on his XPS, and his LCD panel [which is working] didnt show anything attached to my XPS.
No idea what to do next and no, i dont have warranty anymore, if someone have a clue of how to fix this would made my day, week and probably year.
Thanks in advance from Chile.
Im from Chile and bought a Dell XPS1530 with 8400GS as the video chip, it worked for like... 1 month until it didnt show image over the buil-in LCD of the Laptop.
Here is what i did, just to know about some problems with the microfracture of the soldering material, but looks like this isnt the case. The Laptop works great if i attach an External Monitor over the VGA port.
Did _shot_ de videochip with a heatgun and press it against the motherboard, but it still have the same issue, no video on the LCD but it does over the VGA port.
A week after that a friend of mine borrowed his XPS 1530 to see if the faulty part was the LCD, but it wasnt, my LCD panel [cable and everything] worked fine on his XPS, and his LCD panel [which is working] didnt show anything attached to my XPS.
No idea what to do next and no, i dont have warranty anymore, if someone have a clue of how to fix this would made my day, week and probably year.
Thanks in advance from Chile.
Im from Chile and bought a Dell XPS1530 with 8400GS as the video chip, it worked for like... 1 month until it didnt show image over the buil-in LCD of the Laptop.
Here is what i did, just to know about some problems with the microfracture of the soldering material, but looks like this isnt the case. The Laptop works great if i attach an External Monitor over the VGA port.
Did _shot_ de videochip with a heatgun and press it against the motherboard, but it still have the same issue, no video on the LCD but it does over the VGA port.
A week after that a friend of mine borrowed his XPS 1530 to see if the faulty part was the LCD, but it wasnt, my LCD panel [cable and everything] worked fine on his XPS, and his LCD panel [which is working] didnt show anything attached to my XPS.
No idea what to do next and no, i dont have warranty anymore, if someone have a clue of how to fix this would made my day, week and probably year.
Thanks in advance from Chile.