Step 1: Check if Wi-Fi is connected
First of all, you have to turn on your Chromebook. And then, you need to click the status area, and pay attention toWi-Fi icon. If there is a Wi-Fi on sign, it proves your Chromebook is connected to a network and You don’t need to do the next step. If there is a Wi-Fi off icon, it proves your Chromebook cannot connect, and you need to do next step.
Step 2: Turn on Wi-Fi and Pick a network and connect
First of all, turn on your Wi-Fi, Next, you need to click the Wi-Fi off icon and click No network. Then, you need to click Turn Wi-Fi on… or the Enable Wi-Fi icon Wi-Fi signal off, and your Chromebook will automatically look for available networks and show them to you in a list. After you turn on your Wi-Fi, your Chromebook will look for a network to connect to.
Step 3: Check your Wi-Fi signal source
If your Wi-Fi still not connected, you need to check your Wi-Fi signal source. Maybe you need to connect the staffs of network company.