The usual things that go wrong with refrigerators are losing their "coolant" which would probably have to be replaced by a technician; the compressor going bad (same result) or the relay that runs the compressor dies. The last item is pretty common.
What I do is listen for the compressor to come on when you plug it in. It makes a humming noise. If there is no humming noise, it's not running. Assuming you are not afraid of electricity, it's time for the volt meter. Is power getting to the compressor motor? Take the panel off the lower back of the fridge, clean off all the dust with a vacuum cleaner, find the power coming in, going to the relay and from there to the motor. Measure it at the motor first. If it's got power but is not running, wack it. Give it a tap with a block of wood and a hammer. It might be stuck, and sometimes this is all it takes. Not a good sign, but at least you'll know it's the motor and not something else. If there is no power to the motor, rejoice, it just got cheaper. Measure in and out of the relay. If you are lucky, it's the relay which should only cost about $20. You can get an overpriced one at any appliance store, or you can order one online. Google replacement appliance parts, or Google your Brand and model number.