I was at school and was eating lunch. I got my iPod all sticky and went to wash it off in the bathrooom. I took a paper towel, got it wet(wringed it out) and quickly wipped down my iPod touch(2G 8 gig). I went outside and noticed that the touch screen was not "backlighting". Then the wierdest thing happened... my screen went all 'fuzzy" and my iPod "turned off" and when it turned back on... it was all white. Right now it looks like cream cheese is in my touchscren. I have restored it,(it still works[backlight is working] but the touchscreen looks like cream cheese(and when i hold it up to the light, theres a big "white hill")
# '''Hit <enter> to insert another list item, and <enter> twice in a row to end the list. To get sub-items, repeat the bullet character once for each level of indent you want (e.g. ##)''''''HElP!!!!!!!!!!'''
# yes i am covered under apple care until november,2010
== Update ==
OK my iPod is working again after "rice treatment". But nothing is displaying on the screen. Theres a back light, it responds to touch, speaker works, iTunes recognizes it(all that jazz) but nothing on the screen. Restoring it didn't help, and ! do not have a case opener tool to open the blasted thing up and see whats wrong. HELP!
I was at school and was eating lunch. I got my iPod all sticky and went to wash it off in the bathrooom. I took a paper towel, got it wet(wringed it out) and quickly wipped down my iPod touch(2G 8 gig). I went outside and noticed that the touch screen was not "backlighting". Then the wierdest thing happened... my screen went all 'fuzzy" and my iPod "turned off" and when it turned back on... it was all white. Right now it looks like cream cheese is in my touchscren. I have restored it,(it still works[backlight is working] but the touchscreen looks like cream cheese(and when i hold it up to the light, theres a big "white hill")
# '''Hit <enter> to insert another list item, and <enter> twice in a row to end the list. To get sub-items, repeat the bullet character once for each level of indent you want (e.g. ##)''''''HElP!!!!!!!!!!'''
# yes i am covered under apple care until november,2010