My boyfriend was working on my laptop and it suddenly shut off, it just cut out. If I try to turn it on again nothing at all happens, no lights, no fan noise. I also tried pulling the battery and plugging the ac in, still nothing. I really need to get this laptop going again.
My partner was working on my laptop and it suddenly shut off, it just cut out. If I try to turn it on again nothing at all happens, no lights, no fan noise. I also tried pulling the battery and plugging the ac in, still nothing. I really need to get this laptop going again.
My boyfriend was working on my laptop and it suddenly shut off, it just cut out. If I try to turn it on again nothing at all happens, no lights, no fan noise. I also tried pulling the battery and plugging the ac in, still nothing. I really need to get this laptop going again.
My partner was working on my laptop and it suddenly shut off, it just cut out. If I try to turn it on again nothing at all happens, no lights, no fan noise. I really need to get this laptop working again. I need to get this laptop working again so when I destroy him at fantasy baseball this year he won't start crying.
My partner was working on my laptop and it suddenly shut off, it just cut out. If I try to turn it on again nothing at all happens, no lights, no fan noise. I also tried pulling the battery and plugging the ac in, still nothing. I really need to get this laptop going again.
My partner was working on my laptop and it suddenly shut off, it just cut out. If I try to turn it on again nothing at all happens, no lights, no fan noise. I really need to get this laptop working again. I need to get this laptop working again so when I destroy him at fantasy baseball this year he won't start crying.