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Versión actual por: Craig


-You have to remove the old by desoldering the two screw holes with a desoldering iron and bend slightly. Turn board over and with a heat gun with a small tip evenly heat the 30 pin connector until solder has liquified. hold with a pair of pliers gently pull it away from board while moving heat back and forth over. make sure to protect other components from heat with heat resistant tape or aluminum foil. Reattach the the two screw holes with solder and then align all pins to correspond with the 30 pins on board. Turn board back over and resolder using a heat gun and solder paste. Check for any bridging before completing
+You have to remove the old by desoldering the two screw holes with a desoldering iron and bend slightly. Turn board over and with a heat gun with a small tip evenly heat the 30 pin connector until solder has liquified. hold with a pair of pliers gently pull it away from board while moving heat back and forth over. make sure to protect other components from heat with heat resistant tape or aluminum foil. Reattach the the two screw holes with solder and then align all pins to correspond with the 30 pins on board. Turn board back over and resolder using a heat gun and solder paste or using solder and a iron. Check for any bridging before completing.



Editado por: Craig


-You have to remove the old by desoldering the two screw holes with a desoldering iron and bend slightly. Turn board over and with a heat gun with a small tip evenly heat the 30 pin connector until solder has liquified. holding it with. Pair of pliers gently pull it away from board while moving heat back and forth over. make sure to protect other components from heat with heat resistant tape or aluminum foil. Reattach the the two screw holes with solder and then align all pins to correspond with the 30 pins on board. Turn board back over and resolder using a heat gun and solder paste. Check for any bridging before completing
+You have to remove the old by desoldering the two screw holes with a desoldering iron and bend slightly. Turn board over and with a heat gun with a small tip evenly heat the 30 pin connector until solder has liquified. hold with a pair of pliers gently pull it away from board while moving heat back and forth over. make sure to protect other components from heat with heat resistant tape or aluminum foil. Reattach the the two screw holes with solder and then align all pins to correspond with the 30 pins on board. Turn board back over and resolder using a heat gun and solder paste. Check for any bridging before completing



Aporte original por: Craig


You have to remove the old by desoldering the two screw holes with a desoldering iron and bend slightly. Turn board over and with a heat gun with a small tip evenly heat the 30 pin connector until solder has liquified. holding it with. Pair of pliers gently pull it away from board while moving heat back and forth over. make sure to protect other components from heat with heat resistant tape or aluminum foil. Reattach the the two screw holes with solder and then align all pins to correspond with the 30 pins on board. Turn board back over and resolder using a heat gun and solder paste. Check for any bridging before completing

