#FixAtHome: Repair Culture Is Alive And Defying Quarantine

#FixAtHome: Repair Culture Is Alive And Defying Quarantine

Two weeks ago, we encouraged you to repair, build, or make something at home and to share your #FixAtHome stories on Twitter and Instagram. We ran this campaign to raise awareness of repair as a solution—not just during COVID-19, but always. Repair is essential, and crucial for building a liveable future within a circular economy.

With #FixAtHome, we’re celebrating repair culture being an important part of our everyday lives, our society, and business philosophy. We worked with passionate fixers and more partners and friends to spread this message—Fairphone, Sugru, Vaude, the Repair Café Foundation, Ting Mobile, Patagonia Worn Wear, Digi Key and others. #FixAtHome showed us that repair connects us, even when we’re social distancing. 

The things we fix

For many people, repair is an emotional act, allowing them to reclaim a beloved item, help someone else, or rebel against the throwaway economy. So what do people fix when they’re staying home and have lots of time on their hands? Well, the possibilities are endless! Some things are necessary for working from home (or staying sane during quarantine), and some are worth repairing because of their sentimental value. Here are some of the things you fixed at home—you can see even more by searching #FixAtHome on Twitter and Instagram:


Most of us are still staying home, and it’s hard to tell when the situation will change. All we know is that repair’s a good idea—now and after quarantine. So grab your tools and fix something at home today—and keep tagging us on Twitter and Instagram so we can celebrate with you!

Note: iFixit has business relationships with Sugru, Vaude and Fairphone (selling products), but this partnership is simply all of us encouraging people to fix things and share it.