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Microsoft Surface Pro 4 Screen Replacement

Qué necesitas

  1. Microsoft Surface Pro 4 Screen Replacement, Protege la pantalla.: paso 1, imagen 1 de 3 Microsoft Surface Pro 4 Screen Replacement, Protege la pantalla.: paso 1, imagen 2 de 3 Microsoft Surface Pro 4 Screen Replacement, Protege la pantalla.: paso 1, imagen 3 de 3
    • Si el cristal de la pantalla está roto, protégete cubriéndolo con cinta adhesiva.

    • Coloca tiras adhesivas superpuestas hasta cubrir la totalidad de la pantalla.

    • Esto mantendrá el cristal en su lugar y asegurará la integridad estructural durante su manipulación.

    • Esfuérzate al máximo para seguir ésta guía. Una vez que el cristal de la pantalla está roto, continuará rompiéndose durante su manipulación. Podrás necesitar una herramienta metálica para extraer los restos.

    • Utiliza gafas de seguridad para proteger tus ojos y presta atención en no dañar la pantalla LCD.

    If I have a screen protector on the screen should I remove it? Will it interfere with the heating process?

    IronJoker - Contestar

  2. Microsoft Surface Pro 4 Screen Replacement, Calienta el borde derecho de la pantalla.: paso 2, imagen 1 de 1
    • Calienta el iOpener y colócalo en el borde derecho de la Surface por dos minutos.

    • Quizás sea necesario repetir varias veces el proceso para conseguir calentar el adhesivo de la pantalla.

    • También te puedes servir de un secador o una pistola de calor para calentar la Surface.

    • Presta atención en no sobrecalentar la Surface. La pantalla y la batería interna son componentes sensibles al calor.

    • No utilices "hot plate" si la pantalla ha sido tapada con adhesivo.

    I have done dozens of Surface Pro tablet repairs; if your screen is cracked or chipped AT ALL, you WILL make it worse. Plan on replacing it. Even if it's not cracked or chipped, the likely hood of removing this screen without damage (LCD separation or heat marks in the corners) is very low. Ive tried everything from hot plates to heat mats and the iOpener and nothing is reliable enough. I found that using my Warner heat gun set at 800*c and working on half an edge at a time with a LOT of 91% alcohol in a drip bottle along the edge, along with a very thin guitar pick (not the ones sold here, they are too thick) is the trick to loosening the glue. Work on the side and bottom first. The top is going to be the hardest as the adhesive will stick to the wifi/bluetooth antenna and you WILL tear them (Ive had to replace a fair amount of them). There's a delicate trick to doing it, but it's too hard to describe. If you've never done this repair before, I do not recommend it; find a professional.

    Gregg Stanley - Contestar

    Hi, thanks for the information, Very valuable.

    I'm about to do this because my battery and fan aren't working.

    There's no way anybody can fix it properly near me. Got any other tip to try not to break the screen and or any flex?

    I've done works like this on small tablets and phones, but never this pc. I'll try to go slow.

    Thanks again for your experience information.

    Fernando A -

  3. Microsoft Surface Pro 4 Screen Replacement, Analiza la distribución del adhesivo.: paso 3, imagen 1 de 1
    • Antes de continuar, analiza la distribución del adhesivo:

    • Zona donde solamente encontrarás adhesivo.

    • La placa y el flex de pantalla se asientan en esta zona. Extrema precauciones y no insertes la púa más de 3mm.

    • Esta zona contiene cables de antena. Sigue el procedimiento del paso 13 para evitar dañarlos. El adhesivo es muy fino aqui.

    The bottom red section is narrow and not as thick as the bevel indicates. I went too deep with my tool and cut through a ribbon thinking that I could send my tool as deep as the black bevel edge. its like half that.

    Jesse Fair - Contestar

    I did a screenshot of this image to always see it while progressing through the steps and did exactly the same mistake. I read every comment in the steps below but yours only now :( On my device it's 5mm from the edge of the screen glass to the ribbon.

    WapitiSumpf -

    I cut through as well, but was able to carefully solder the edges together enough to make a connection - works fine.

    L Schaffer - Contestar

  4. Microsoft Surface Pro 4 Screen Replacement, Inserta una púa de apertura: paso 4, imagen 1 de 2 Microsoft Surface Pro 4 Screen Replacement, Inserta una púa de apertura: paso 4, imagen 2 de 2
    • Inserta una púa en la apertura del altavoz superior izquierdo.

    • No insertes la púa más de 12mm. Hacerlo puede dañar el LCD.

  5. Microsoft Surface Pro 4 Screen Replacement: paso 5, imagen 1 de 2 Microsoft Surface Pro 4 Screen Replacement: paso 5, imagen 2 de 2
    • Desliza la púa hasta la zona inferior del altavoz.

  6. Microsoft Surface Pro 4 Screen Replacement, Corta el adhesivo de la pantalla.: paso 6, imagen 1 de 2 Microsoft Surface Pro 4 Screen Replacement, Corta el adhesivo de la pantalla.: paso 6, imagen 2 de 2
    • Desliza la púa por el borde inferior de la Surface.

    • Durante el resto del procedimiento, si encuentras resistencia al deslizar, vuelve a aplicar calor en la sección que estás manipulando. Aplicar demasiada presión puede romper el cristal.

    • Deja colocada la púa en el borde derecho para evitar que la pantalla vuelva a sellarse.

  7. Microsoft Surface Pro 4 Screen Replacement: paso 7, imagen 1 de 1
    • Vuelve a calentar el iOpener y colócalo en el borde lateral por dos minutos.

    • Quizás necesites un secador o una pistola de calor para calentar la Surface.

    • Extrema precauciones para no sobrecalentarla ya que la pantalla y la batería son componentes sensibles a la temperatura.

    • No utilices "hot plate" si la pantalla ha sido encintada.

  8. Microsoft Surface Pro 4 Screen Replacement: paso 8, imagen 1 de 3 Microsoft Surface Pro 4 Screen Replacement: paso 8, imagen 2 de 3 Microsoft Surface Pro 4 Screen Replacement: paso 8, imagen 3 de 3
    • Introduce una nueva púa de apertura en la esquina inferior derecha y deslízala alrededor del borde hacia la esquina inferior.

    • No insertes la púa de apertura mas allá de 6mm alrededor de la esquina inferior derecha. Insertar la púa muy lejos podría dañar el LCD.

    • Desliza la púa a lo largo de la esquina inferior de la superficie para cortar el adhesivo de la pantalla.

    • No insertes la púa de apertura mas allá de 12mm a lo largo de la esquina inferior.

    • Deja la púa en la esquina inferior para prevenir que el adhesivo se vuelva a pegar.

    Yep. I scratched the corner of the LCD with the pick. Take the warning seriously folks! It’s really easy to do.

    Laurence Mayer - Contestar

    The warning says to not insert it more than 12mm but it should be not more than 5mm. There is a ribbon/display connection at the bottom and i damaged it.

    WapitiSumpf - Contestar

  9. Microsoft Surface Pro 4 Screen Replacement: paso 9, imagen 1 de 1
    • Recalienta tu iOpener y aplícalo al borde izquierdo de la pantalla de la Surface durante dos minutos.

    • Es probable que necesites recalentarlo y volver a aplicar el iOpener varias veces para conseguir calentar la tablet lo suficiente.Sigue las instrucciones del iOpener para evitar sobrecalentamiento.

    • Puedes usar un secador de pelo,pistola de aire caliente o placa calefactora para calentar la superficie.

    • Ten cuidado de no sobrecalentar la superficie -La pantalla y la batería interna son susceptibles a daños por calor.

    • No uses una placa calefactora si la pantalla ha sido encintada.

  10. Microsoft Surface Pro 4 Screen Replacement: paso 10, imagen 1 de 3 Microsoft Surface Pro 4 Screen Replacement: paso 10, imagen 2 de 3 Microsoft Surface Pro 4 Screen Replacement: paso 10, imagen 3 de 3
    • Introduce una nueva púa de apertura en la esquina inferior izquierda y deslízala alrededor de la esquina hacia el borde izquierdo.

    • Ten cuidado al cortar por debajo de los 65 mm del borde izquierdo. No insertes la púa de apertura más de 3 mm aquí. Los cables de la pantalla se encuentran cerca de esta parte del bisel y se dañan fácilmente.

    • Una vez pasada la zona de los cables de la pantalla, puedes volver a insertar la púa hasta 12 mm.

    • Desliza la púa por el borde izquierdo de la superficie para cortar el adhesivo de la pantalla.

    • Deja la púa en el borde izquierdo para evitar que el adhesivo se vuelva a sellar.

  11. Microsoft Surface Pro 4 Screen Replacement: paso 11, imagen 1 de 1
    • Recalienta tu iOpenery aplícalo en el borde superior de la pantalla de la Surface durante dos minutos.

    • El adhesivo es más grueso a lo largo de este borde, y es posible que tengas que recalentar y volver a aplicar el iOpener varias veces para que la tableta se caliente lo suficiente. Sigue las instrucciones del iOpener para evitar el sobrecalentamiento.

    • También puedes utilizar un secador de pelo, una pistola de calor o una placa caliente para calentar la Surface.

    • Ten cuidado de no sobrecalentar la Surface, ya que la pantalla y la batería interna son susceptibles de sufrir daños por el calor.

    • No utilices una plancha caliente si la pantalla ha sido pegada con cinta adhesiva.

  12. Microsoft Surface Pro 4 Screen Replacement: paso 12, imagen 1 de 3 Microsoft Surface Pro 4 Screen Replacement: paso 12, imagen 2 de 3 Microsoft Surface Pro 4 Screen Replacement: paso 12, imagen 3 de 3
    • Redondea la esquina izquierda con la púa de apertura y deslízala a lo largo del borde superior de la Superficie. Deténte cuando la púa esté a 70 mm del borde izquierdo.

    • Los siguientes 15 cm del borde superior de la carcasa están cubiertos por las antenas izquierda y derecha, que se encuentran entre la carcasa y el bisel de la pantalla. Sigue los siguientes pasos con cuidado para evitar dañar las antenas.

    The right antenna is kind of P shaped (rotated 90° to the right) with the small end facing the middle. I'd suggest to stop at the middle when loosening the left antenna and to do the same thing coming from the right.

    WapitiSumpf - Contestar

  13. Microsoft Surface Pro 4 Screen Replacement: paso 13, imagen 1 de 3 Microsoft Surface Pro 4 Screen Replacement: paso 13, imagen 2 de 3 Microsoft Surface Pro 4 Screen Replacement: paso 13, imagen 3 de 3
    • Los frágiles cables de la antena se encuentran bajo el borde superior de la pantalla. Sigue el procedimiento con cuidado para no dañarlos.

    • Introduce la punta de una púa debajo de la pantalla donde acaba de dejar de cortar. No introduzca la púa más allá del borde del bisel.

    • Insertar traducción aquí

    • Insertar traducción aquí

    Bij mijn exemplaar bleek het onmogelijk om de bovenrand volgens de aanwijzingen los te maken. Ik heb de boel vele keren opgewarmd en ben meerdere malen met het plectrum langs de rand gegaan. Maar er beleef iets hardnekking vastplakken. Ik moest uiteindelijk de lijmverbindingen los maken zoals bij de andere randen. Achteraf bleek dat bij het gedeelte waar de antennes zaten het frame en het scherm volledig met elkaar verlijmd zaten met de antennes er tussen. Dat kostte me uiteindelijk de antennes. Gelukkig geen schade aan andere zaken. Niet zo'n grote ramp want ik kon nog antennes bestellen. Maar hou er rekening mee.

    EverB1 - Contestar

  14. Microsoft Surface Pro 4 Screen Replacement: paso 14, imagen 1 de 3 Microsoft Surface Pro 4 Screen Replacement: paso 14, imagen 2 de 3 Microsoft Surface Pro 4 Screen Replacement: paso 14, imagen 3 de 3
    • Una vez que hayas cortado el adhesivo sobre las antenas (22 cm, desde el borde izquierdo), desliza la púa el resto del camino a lo largo del borde superior de la superficie y redondea la esquina superior derecha para cortar cualquier resto de adhesivo.

  15. Microsoft Surface Pro 4 Screen Replacement, Abre tu Surface: paso 15, imagen 1 de 3 Microsoft Surface Pro 4 Screen Replacement, Abre tu Surface: paso 15, imagen 2 de 3 Microsoft Surface Pro 4 Screen Replacement, Abre tu Surface: paso 15, imagen 3 de 3
    • Levanta muy lentamente el conjunto de la pantalla para separarlo de la carcasa de la Surface. Si encuentras alguna resistencia, detente y comprueba que todo el adhesivo se ha separado.

    • Todavía no quites la pantalla. Todavía está conectada a la placa madre mediante dos cables.

    • Usa una púa de apertura para cortar los restos de adhesivo.

  16. Microsoft Surface Pro 4 Screen Replacement: paso 16, imagen 1 de 3 Microsoft Surface Pro 4 Screen Replacement: paso 16, imagen 2 de 3 Microsoft Surface Pro 4 Screen Replacement: paso 16, imagen 3 de 3
    • Levanta la parte superior del conjunto de la pantalla para separarla de la carcasa mientras deslizas la parte inferior de la pantalla para acercarla a los conectores de la pantalla de la placa madre.

    • Coloca la pantalla con cuidado sobre la carcasa con los conectores hacia arriba. Ten cuidado de no doblar los cables de la pantalla.

  17. Microsoft Surface Pro 4 Screen Replacement, Consejos para quitar los escudos EMI: paso 17, imagen 1 de 3 Microsoft Surface Pro 4 Screen Replacement, Consejos para quitar los escudos EMI: paso 17, imagen 2 de 3 Microsoft Surface Pro 4 Screen Replacement, Consejos para quitar los escudos EMI: paso 17, imagen 3 de 3
    • Usa este método para quitar los escudos EMI necesarios durante la reparación:

    • Usa una punta de un par de pinzas anguladas para hacer palanca en el escudo EMI de los espacios entre los "dientes".

    • Repite este procedimiento en diferentes puntos alrededor del perímetro del escudo hasta que esté libre.

    • Trata de no deformar demasiado los escudos - tendrás que volver a instalarlos durante el reensamblaje.

    • Para volver a instalar, corrige cualquier deformación lo mejor que puedas, asegúrate de que los "dientes" se alinean con el borde de la placa madre, y presiona todo el perímetro del escudo EMI.

    • Comprueba que todos los "dientes" estén ajustados al borde metálico y que no estén doblados por debajo del escudo EMI.

  18. Microsoft Surface Pro 4 Screen Replacement, Desconecta la pantalla: paso 18, imagen 1 de 3 Microsoft Surface Pro 4 Screen Replacement, Desconecta la pantalla: paso 18, imagen 2 de 3 Microsoft Surface Pro 4 Screen Replacement, Desconecta la pantalla: paso 18, imagen 3 de 3
    • Utiliza tus pinzas para retirar los dos escudos EMI que cubren los conectores del cable de la pantalla.

  19. Microsoft Surface Pro 4 Screen Replacement: paso 19, imagen 1 de 3 Microsoft Surface Pro 4 Screen Replacement: paso 19, imagen 2 de 3 Microsoft Surface Pro 4 Screen Replacement: paso 19, imagen 3 de 3
    • Haz palanca con el extremo plano de un spudger para desconectar cada cable de la pantalla de la placa madre.

  20. Microsoft Surface Pro 4 Screen Replacement, Retira la pantalla: paso 20, imagen 1 de 1
    • Retira la pantalla de Surface.

    • Durante el reensamblaje, haz una pausa aquí y sigue esta guía para sustituir el adhesivo de la pantalla.

  21. Microsoft Surface Pro 4 Screen Replacement, Retira los cables de pantalla: paso 21, imagen 1 de 1
    • Usa una púa de apertura para hacer palanca en uno de los bordes del escudo EMI que cubre la placa de la pantalla.

    • Intenta no deformar demasiado el escudo, ya que tendrás que volver a instalarlo durante el montaje.

  22. Microsoft Surface Pro 4 Screen Replacement: paso 22, imagen 1 de 1
    • Levanta el escudo EMI para separarlo de la placa de la pantalla y retíralo.

  23. Microsoft Surface Pro 4 Screen Replacement: paso 23, imagen 1 de 2 Microsoft Surface Pro 4 Screen Replacement: paso 23, imagen 2 de 2
    • Usa el extremo plano de un spudger para hacer palanca en el cable de interconexión de la pantalla y sacarlo de su zócalo en la placa.

  24. Microsoft Surface Pro 4 Screen Replacement: paso 24, imagen 1 de 3 Microsoft Surface Pro 4 Screen Replacement: paso 24, imagen 2 de 3 Microsoft Surface Pro 4 Screen Replacement: paso 24, imagen 3 de 3
    • Utiliza una herramienta de apertura para hacer palanca en un extremo de la pantalla EMI que cubre el segundo cable de la pantalla.

    • Intenta no deformar demasiado el escudo, ya que tendrás que volver a instalarlo durante el montaje.

    • Retira el escudo EMI.

  25. Microsoft Surface Pro 4 Screen Replacement: paso 25, imagen 1 de 2 Microsoft Surface Pro 4 Screen Replacement: paso 25, imagen 2 de 2
    • Utiliza la punta de un spudger para hacer palanca en el conector del digitalizador y sacarlo de su zócalo en la pantalla.

  26. Microsoft Surface Pro 4 Screen Replacement, Desconecta la placa de la pantalla: paso 26, imagen 1 de 3 Microsoft Surface Pro 4 Screen Replacement, Desconecta la placa de la pantalla: paso 26, imagen 2 de 3 Microsoft Surface Pro 4 Screen Replacement, Desconecta la placa de la pantalla: paso 26, imagen 3 de 3
    • Utiliza un spudger para levantar las pequeñas solapas de cierre de los conectores ZIF del cable de la pantalla.

  27. Microsoft Surface Pro 4 Screen Replacement: paso 27, imagen 1 de 3 Microsoft Surface Pro 4 Screen Replacement: paso 27, imagen 2 de 3 Microsoft Surface Pro 4 Screen Replacement: paso 27, imagen 3 de 3
    • Utiliza unas pinzas para deslizar los cables de la pantalla directamente fuera de sus zócalos en la placa de la pantalla.

  28. Microsoft Surface Pro 4 Screen Replacement, Retira la placa de la pantalla: paso 28, imagen 1 de 3 Microsoft Surface Pro 4 Screen Replacement, Retira la placa de la pantalla: paso 28, imagen 2 de 3 Microsoft Surface Pro 4 Screen Replacement, Retira la placa de la pantalla: paso 28, imagen 3 de 3
    • Desliza una púa de apertura bajo la placa de la pantalla para separar el adhesivo que la sujeta a la parte posterior de la pantalla.

    • Si el adhesivo es persistente, puede ayudar a calentar el tablero de la pantalla utilizando un iOpener, un secador de pelo o una pistola de calor. Ten cuidado de no sobrecalentar la pantalla.

  29. Microsoft Surface Pro 4 Screen Replacement: paso 29, imagen 1 de 1
    • Retira la placa de la pantalla.

    • Durante el montaje, elimina el adhesivo de debajo de la placa de la pantalla con alcohol isopropílico (≥90%) y un paño sin pelusas o un filtro de café. A continuación, aplica el nuevo adhesivo de una tarjeta adhesiva precortada y fíjalo a la nueva pantalla.

    Que tipo de adesivo se recomienda? Se necesita que conduzca la electricidad?

    Iván Daniel Plasencia González - Contestar

  30. Microsoft Surface Pro 4 Screen Replacement: paso 30, imagen 1 de 1
    • Queda solo la pantalla.

    Handig om te weten is dat er voor de Surface Pro 4 twee verschillende schermen zijn...een Samsung en een LG. Dus voordat je een scherm aanschaft moet je eerst weten welke er in je Surface Pro 4 zit.

    Eric B - Contestar

    Hallo das Display auf der Rückseite hat ca. 4 kreisförmige schwarze runde matten/gumipolster und vier große.

    rund herum ist auf der kanne ebenfalls ein Klebestreifen angebracht. wo bekomme ich diese teile oder Klebestreifen?

    Welche auswirkungen kann es haben wenn das Display hinten dies nicht aufweist?

    Ein Link wäre sehr hilfreich.


    Panagiotis - Contestar


Para volver a montar el dispositivo, sigue los pasos anteriores en orden inverso.

Lleva tus residuos electrónicos a un R2 o reciclador certificado por e-Stewards.

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Sam Omiotek

Miembro Desde 02/25/19

72,472 Reputación

288 Guías creadas

60 comentarios

Thank you for your guide.

I've removed the cracked screen from my Surface Pro 4 and hope to replace it with a new screen I bought on eBay. Unfortunately, the new screen doesn't seem to have the NTrig board attached to it.

Is it possible to remove that little board from the old screen? If so, how?

alex - Contestar

I'm also interested on this. as I can't find a screen seller that includes the NTrig board. Did you manage to do it, Alex?

Óscar Espeso Gil -

Yes you can heat up the board and remove it and move it over to the new screen. However my problem is that now I have a vertical dead spot about 2 inches wide from the "J" key to the "L" key up and down the screen. I can't find any damage to the cables or boards... I have replaced the screen twice now and nothing.

Jordan Mershon -

Same problem as the guy above, moved the n-trig board over, touch is unresponsive in certain spots, anyone find a solution to this?

Raul Garcia -

I'll be moving the board over as well, I am told to make sure the cables are completely connected, Check and Re-Check. This seemed to have fixed most problems with the touch being unresponsive in some area's.

jayroca23 -

hi guys, i have the same issue with the touchscreen after replacement. have you find a solution? I checked a couple of times but touch screen doesn't work. Instead if I use the pen, there are some dead spot.

Gabriele Corda -

What adhesive did you use to re-attach the screen?

alex - Contestar

Ok, So all fine in theory, but unless you broke your screen, like I did, it is IMPOSSIBLE to remove the screen without breaking it. Even with a full I Fix It toolbox and an I opener it took me 90 mins to get the screen off. The central parts come away quite easily but separated from the edges, but the glue tape is so strong it left sharp glass around the edge where the tape is.

This screen is less than 1/10th of a mm thick in places, you've got no chance of getting it off.

Jon Pertwee - Contestar

You need to heat it a lot. I used heat gun at 280°C and applied heat to the edges and kept it moving around the edges for 15 min. Then the edge was too hot to touch (around 120-150°C) and then it was easy to remove the screen. Be careful for the top antenna’s mine were stuck to the display instead of the bar below and I needed a new antenna.

Henri -

I i got mine apart by heating the edges, and then applying some painters tape loosly from the back cover to the front of the screen to prevent it fom dropping and then blowing air from my air compressor through the back panel air vents. Screen popped right away from the warm adhesive and the painters tape kept it from breaking any cables or the glass, took about 5 minutes.

Hunter Rench -

On the plusside, at least I can now upgrade the hard disk.. Yay.. 1TB here I come!!

Jon Pertwee - Contestar

I am unable to find a replacement glass anywhere? How did you guys find it on ebay?

Shubham Sharma - Contestar

Amazon is the only place I have found a screen....

Jordan Mershon -

What adhesive should i use to replace the screen?

Nick Skwarek - Contestar

Some of this might do the trick for you gentleman.

jayroca23 -

Tesa 4965, Tesa 61395 or Hi-bond VHB tape.

David Fear -

I seem to have missed the step where you explained what you sacrificed to which god in order to get the screen off in fewer than 500 pieces.

mad_bimmy - Contestar

should i save my files to an external drive before replacing the screen?

heyyy jaaaaaayyyyy - Contestar

You should always backup your data for any repairs you may do.

Evan Miles -

note that you need to be very careful when prying the top left side of the display off: it's very easy to damage the wifi antenna!

Ned Danieley - Contestar

more so in top middle across 6", I replaced mine with aluminum tape and it worked really well

Ken Lebofsky -

Does anyone have a link to buy the actual replacement screen for Surface pro 4. The replacement screen in this video. Thank you in advance

Charles Myles - Contestar

At the top of the unit there is some very thin copper ribbon that tore when removing the adhesive, what is it? I need to replace it.

Ken Lebofsky - Contestar

It's the wifi/bluetooth antenna. You can not buy this part anywhere. I recreated the antenna using aluminum tape and I think the wifi is better than before!!

Ken Lebofsky -

The Surface Pro 4 antennas are now widely available on Amazon and Ebay.

David S. -

Anyone have the issue of the screen being offset after reattaching? Anyone know which one of the connectors controls this?

Tess morgan - Contestar

I am not quite sure what you mean by offset but what this sounds like is that the N Trig board is not quite in the right position. The N Trig board is the L shaped board that you need to take from the old screen and stick it on the new screen. If you look at the opened tablet, on the bottom left area, as you look at the inside of the tablet, there is an L shaped space. The N Trig board must fit properly into this space or the screen will be skew or even stand proud. There is enough space for the N Trig board but not much space. If possible try lifting the screen again and repositioning the N Trig board. If that is not possible or may cause more damage than its worth you may have to live with the screen being offset. As a good ‘lesson learnt’ for this it is to position the new screen with all the bits connected in place before actually sticking it down so that you can make sure it sits correctly. That said I am not implying that you did not do that. ;o)

Paul Ingarfield -

This guide made it seem roughly 10 times easier to do than it turned out to be. Sunk ~$200 into fixing the screen on a $500 computer, and broke the screen when reinstalling it, and spent easily a couple hours frustratedly picking broken glass off the edges when taking off the old screen. I’m not blaming you for me being bad at computer repair, but maybe consider raising the difficulty?

Mark Blakeley - Contestar

Ouch, sorry to hear that. I haven’t worked on the Surface Pro much, but usually the challenge is to avoid breaking the screen when taking it off, as opposed to installing it. I agree with you about the difficulty level and bumped it up accordingly—there is nothing easy about working on a Surface Pro. Better luck on your next repair…

Jeff Suovanen -

All Right: where to buy screen -, comes with tools. If, like I did, you tear a ribbon cable, can find replacement at

My glass was shattered, so the big center part came out easily, too easily, before I knew it I’d torn a ribbon cable. I’m using a heating pad to warm the adhesive around the edges. This is a long monotonous process. Take extra care in the middle third section at the top. There is delicate antenna in this area. Moving the NTrig board will be the next joy. If anyone is wondering, no this isn’t easy…not for the faint of heart. Prying off the little aluminium cable pin covers is also nerve racking. You will bend them, but they can be bent back.

john brewer - Contestar

I think there should be a part for putting it back together, it’s not always as simple as ‘just do it in reverse’ for instance, what is the best adhesive to use and how much should you use? Those parts are not listed either. Maybe a new display bought from Ifixit has adhesive already applied but what if you are using a used display?

Glen D - Contestar

This should be entitled ‘Display Removal’ not ‘Display Replacement’. There is literally nothing here addressing the replacement part.

Glen D - Contestar

No mention of the antenae???? assembly at the top of the screen, that you can cut right through with a pick (near the camera and N-trig assemblies),

This is a really lame procedure that ends up giving false confidence to people you should just remove it if you can’t put all the important details on here

Glen D - Contestar

There are little round gaskets around at least 3 of the sensors/cameras on the sensor array area, and there are 3 antennae glued between the screen and the case on either side of the camera. THIS IS PRETTY IMPORTANT INFORMATION TO LEAVE OUT OF what is essentially a ‘teardown’ instruction posing as ‘replacement’ instructions. I really expected more form this web site, and anyone reading this should peruse youtube and watch MULTIPLE videos because a great deal of those don’t show these things either. The iOpener is for $@$*,you need a heat gun set to just below 200 F and once you get a pick in, heat in front of it, detach it while it’s easy, heat again, etc, and the top edge is much thicker and contains all the sensors. this has a lot of glue almost the whole thickness of the bezel. I haven’t found a way to separate without snagging one of the antennae but on the next try I will use more heat and go even slower. I would love to post a photo showing the exact position but see no way to…

Glen D - Contestar

Glen, this is a user-submitted guide. Your comments are fair, but rather than just criticizing, I would suggest using iFixit the way it’s meant to be used—as a wiki—and submit your own improvements to the guide. We generally allow any user to submit a repair guide, even if it’s imperfect, in the hopes that folks will use it and improve on it over time. Looking through the guide I can see some of your complaints are addressed in the comments, so I will go through and copy some of that info over to the steps where it’s a little more visible. Thanks for your feedback.

Jeff Suovanen -

I’m researching reasons my touch screen doesn’t work. I found this site, after I removed the old screen. I wished it was before my attempt, I would have had more insight into the process. But, I think I did okay, considering. The new screen is connected to the cables and I tested it, before the final “glue down”. However, the touch screen does not work and I’ve tried to re-seat the cables from the Ntrig assembly to the new screen many, many times and still, nothing. Is it possible the screen I purchased from an Amazon supplier can be defective? Has anyone had an issue with a defective screen? I’m considering purchasing another screen from a different supplier and try the connections, again, to rule this out. But, If you guys think it’s me and not the screen, I’ll gladly listen to any suggestions. Thanks, in advance, for any comments.

Linda Lewis

linleelew - Contestar

I t can be two different things:

1) You have a bad screen

2) You damaged the N-Trig Board or it was damaged when the screen was originally damaged which can happen. Unless you try a combination both both you may not know. It you are doing these Surface Pro 4 repairs in bulk, it is a good idea to keep both those parts in stock.

Abdullah -

after replacing my display the screen would not turn on. i confirmed the surface still worked by pluging in an external monitor. the device would respond to touch but it would not display anything on the new monitor

Joseph Allen - Contestar

Awesome repair guide.

Have removed the screen only to find it is not a Pro 4 screen on the Pro 4. A little confused but having done research on the LCD connector it is saying it is the LG screen not the Samsung one! I did not realise there were two different screens for this model until this point.

The removed screen is the same as the Pro 5 (2017) screen. But it came off the Pro 4…….

The LCD connector on the Pro 4 screen is shorter than the connector for the Pro 5 (2017). So a Pro 4 screen can not be connected to this Pro 4.

So my question is this. Can the Pro 5 screen be fitted to this Pro 4 safely ?

JO HILL - Contestar

Would a 1796 screen work as replacement for a Microsoft Surface Pro 4 1724? Would that solve the flickering problem?

Bernardo - Contestar

i have the same question… did you fix it?

carritoschocones -

So my problem is that the touch doenst work in all parts (right 2cm of screen wont work) and also the pen stopped working. But the display is in ggood shape and it didnt shatter. My question is: IF (which after reading this doesnt seem too likely) i manage to get the display off without breaking it can changing the N-trig board help? Like does it have all the touchscreen/pen components or could it also be a display problem?

Viktor Steinbrecher - Contestar

Hi iFixit

I want to ask about surface pro screen part. I have customer surface pro 4 screen flickering and want to replace the LED Screen. Someone said, surface pro 4 screen only last about 1 year before it will start flickering again and he suggested using Surface pro 5 screen, since they are the same.

Is this true? What about camera holes? Are the placed exactly to fit both surface pro 4 and 5?

Cin Lung Chen - Contestar

my surface pro4 screen not work after the replacement ..even the old broken one ,stop work and not show any signal…but when i connect my surface to an HomeLED. Through cable ,work perfectly .i change the flat cable also but still not work .

Waseem - Contestar

Thank you for the guide, this in combination with the battery replacement was tied for the most finicky, difficult part replacement I’ve ever had to do for a client in the (admittedly short) 1.5 years I’ve been in IT. Well written and quality graphics.

SparkWorx - Contestar

If the screen is already broken and you’re not worried about breaking it more is this repair really that hard seems like it’s really similar to an iPad digitizer/lcd replacement which really isn’t that difficult

Brendan Brasseur - Contestar

needs help please so im pretty sure i bought the wrong type of screen seeing that the connector at the bottom of the screen doesnt snap in that flex is bit thinner than the connectore at the bottom my problem is i dont know how to tell if i have a v1 and need a v1 or if i have a v2 and need a v2 screen and dont tell me to count the pins cause they small and this is my first time so be gentle

Christian Rogers - Contestar

Hi. Is there anyway to know whether my surface has 25 pin 1.0 samsung display or 32 pin 2.0 lg display without opening the surface?

I have Surface Pro 4 i7 Processor, 16 GB RAM, 1 TB SSD model and it’s touch is not working.

Someone please help me to order the right display for my model.

Thanks in anticipation!

Majrul Ansari - Contestar


I have the LG 32-pin version of the display, and I noticed the flex cable between display and motherboard has 32 pin on the display side and 25 on the motherboard side. I assume the samsung version has 25 pins on each side, does this mean seven of the pins on the LG display is redundant? I don’t know if a diagram for what each pin is for exists, so I can’t verify if this is indeed the case.

Dawith Lim - Contestar

Hi. This guide is great and I was able to remove my screen flawlessly. For those who want to know which screen they have:

Go to device manager (Just search Device Manager in the search box)

Under Monitors, right click on the “Surface Display” and go to properties.

Switch to the “Details” tab, and from the drop down menu choose “Hardware IDs”.

For the Samsung display, it should be: “MONITOR\SDC3853”.

I don’t know what is the ID for LG displays, but a quick Search for this device ID shows that it’s Samsung, and the screen from iFixit was fully compatible.

Hope this helps.

Soheil Sadeghi - Contestar

The monitor type can be determined by using AIDA64 through the following path: Display Devices —> Monitor. Then you will see the manufacturer, model type, and manufacture date.


天日可人 - Contestar

I have a Surface Pro 4 purchased in December 2015. Its screen flickers and shakes when the machine is hot.

2015年12月买的Surface Pro 4。机器一热,屏幕就抖。

I ordered a Surface Pro 4 (1724 v1.0) Screen (Samsung Display) and some tools on iFixit website. I received the package on Jan 10, 2022. The tools worked fine. I have replaced the old screen with the new one following the guide on this page.

我在iFixit网站订购了SP4 (1724 v1.0)的屏幕(三星的屏幕)以及拆机工具。2022年1月1日收到货。拆机工具很好用。照着本页教程,旧屏顺利拆下,新屏成功换上。

However, the next day (Jan 11, 2022), when I was testing my new screen by repeatedly playing videos, the screen started to shake again within less than one hour. The only good news is that my old screen shakes entirely while the new screen only shakes at the lower part (about 1/5 of the screen).


天日可人 - Contestar

How fragile are the two flexes of the screen?

I made a replacement of the battery and now the screen wont work. I can see a subtle backlight when powering on, bit i get no image and no touch response.

The tablet is working fine because i connected it to an external monitor and i found no problems.

Is it possible the flexes were damaged? On visual close inspection they seem fine to me, but i don't know.

Nahuel - Contestar

I have a Surface Pro 4 tablet with a glass UAG screen protector that I want to replace the battery. I've removed the display on another Surface Pro 4 using a heating pad so I'm familiar with the process.

For the Surface with a screen protector, I planned on use several iOpeners to heat the edges to soften the adhesive.

Has anyone successfully performed this replacement on a Surface with a glass screen protector?

David S. - Contestar

hi, i changed battery and when i turned on the tablet, half touchscreen was not working. The glass is intact and I did everything with great precision.

Now i would like to change display to fix the touchscreen problem. But which model should i buy? I got a model but it has a shorter connector and the flat cannot be inserted. Can you help? thank you

alessio pasquini - Contestar

Hey Guys, I removed the screen, however jammed into the adhesive I see there is some kind of antenna. that tore in two. Impossible for the antenna not to tear.

Any recommendations of how to fit it?

Right-to-repair please MICROSOFT

albert Einstein - Contestar

γνωρίζει κάποιος να μου πει πως αποφεύγεις την θερμοκρασία πάνω στην νέα οθόνη, αφού εφαρμοστεί στο ταμπλέτ. το συγκεκριμένο μοντέλο έχω δει ότι έχει πρόβλημα με την θερμοκρασία

Ευάγγελος Ηλιάσκος - Contestar

schön wäre wen beistehen würde das des display nciht nach deutschland versendet wird vielen dank für ne std verschwendete zeit.....

Singrun - Contestar

Hallo das Display auf der Rückseite hat ca. 4 kreisförmige schwarze runde matten/gumipolster und vier große.

rund herum ist auf der kanne ebenfalls ein Klebestreifen angebracht. wo bekomme ich diese teile oder Klebestreifen?

Welche auswirkungen kann es haben wenn das Display hinten dies nicht aufweist?

Ein Link wäre sehr hilfreich.


Panagiotis - Contestar

hello sir, i replaced the screen as per your guidelines, and i did! thanks for your tutorial.... but i am facing new problem after replace the screen that when i use pen, at right and left top corner repel the cursor point something like magnetic effect. and while using by hand its ok in all points.. what i missed during assembling.?

vikas - Contestar

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