Después de sufrir daño por agua, el botón de encendido y apagado de los MacBooks normalmente se rompe debido a que hace parte del teclado. El MacBook generalmente está en condiciones de funcionar, pero no es posible encenderlo utilizando el botón de encendido y apagado.
Para encender el MacBook, la gente suele usar los interruptores que están en el panel. Sin embargo, en algunos casos, esto no funciona. Aquí estoy explicando otro método para encender los MacBooks en este caso.
Esto es a través de desconectar el cargador y la batería, y luego, conectar la batería después de unos pocos segundos cuando cargue.
Todas las imágenes son de posts públicos y son solo para propósitos de demostración. Encuentra la guía apropiada para tu dispositivo específico.
Qué necesitas
Remueve los siguientes diez tornillos:
Dos tornillos Pentalobe de 8mm de 5 puntos.
Ocho tornillos Pentalobe de 2.5mm de 5 puntos.
Para ensamblar tu dispositivo, sigue estas instrucciones en orden inverso.
Para ensamblar tu dispositivo, sigue estas instrucciones en orden inverso.
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All images are from public posts and for demonstration purpose only. Find the proper guide for your specific device.
Hello, thanks for the tutorial. I was wondering if you could help me. I spilled some water on my MacBook Pro, bought in 2015. I cleaned the water off, and if worked fine. However, after I left the Mac to go eat dinner, the keyboard was not working the way it should be. A couple of keys worked, and a couple didn’t. On top of that, a few keys, when pressed, would give me the key I wanted and a number. For example, when I pressed the key z, it would give me z1. The same goes for the numbers, pressing 1 would get me z1. On top of that, numbers 4 and 5 don’t work at all. Also, the delete button, when pressed, would delete AND make my Mac’s screen go a shade darker. I also went to an Apple Store to see how much money it would be to fix it. They weren’t too sure on what the issue was, but they said that they might have to just replace my built in keyboard, which would cost hundreds of dollars.
Thank you so much! Your tutorial was fantastic, and I look forward to your reply.
Hey thanks again for the tutorial. I have this problem and this solution works for me, however; it’s a bit fatiguing to open a computer up everytime you’d like to power it on. and i was wondering if there are any other solutions to this problem, perhaps replacing the power button on the keyboard or the flexcable or something. Thanks again for the tutorial.
Super Mohamed works!! My wife will be pleased 😁